Its Not a Re-run, It’s an Encore Presentation

There is a new meme making it’s way around. It’s something I actually already did a couple years ago, and thought it was pretty cool.

What ya do is go to Wikipedia and type in your birth date and see what has happened on your birthday through the years. Here’s a little tip, when you do it, leave off the year you were born. Because it’s very likely that the most notable thing that happened on your birthday the year you were born is that, well, you were born. And even if that wasn’t the case, it would still be an awfully short list.

Here’s mine for January 31st (This isn’t everything that they had listed for January 31st. I pared it down to the interesting bits. Ok, the interesting to me bits)

1) The first venereal diseases clinic was opened at London Dock Hospital in 1747. ( Well.)

2) In 1876, the United States ordered all Native Americans to move to reservations. ( A proud moment for all Americans. Do try not to be jealous, hear?)

3) The Green Hornet radio show debuts in 1936. (Who gives a shit?) (Sorry, that was rude. I’m sure the Green Hornet gives a shit. A green shit.)

4) 1950- President Harry S. Truman announces a program to develop a hydrogen bomb. (Oh, please. My mother gave birth to the most destructive force on Earth. Harry ain’t got nothin on her)

There’s lots more stuff, because January 31st has been a good day for CRAP through the years, but those were some of the highlights.

Notables born on my birthday:

1) Nolan Ryan- baseball player (Yes!)

2) Ernie Banks – baseball player (Yes! And he played for the Cubs! Yes, again!)

3) Jackie Robinson- baseball player (Perhaps you’ve heard of him? That’s what I thought!)

4) Zane Grey-writer (I’ve never read any of his stuff, but Patsy has every word he’s ever written. He’s her book boyfriend)

5) Norman Mailer-writer and journalist (At the risk of sounding wildly illiterate, I don’t believe I’ve ever read anything he wrote either. And I’m not looking him up. So to summarize, I’m woefully undereducated and I don’t plan to do anything about it)
6) Justin Timberlake- singer (I have no comment) (Except to say that I would like to play with his hair a little)

There are many, many more. Kings, Queens, actors, actresses; the list is much better than my notable events.

Let’s see, who died on my birthday?

1) Oh, look! Nobody ever died on my birthday! Anybody who feels the need to correct me on this; needn’t. I’m not stupid, I’m just in denial.

Who knew being this self absorbed could be so educational?

9 Responses to “Its Not a Re-run, It’s an Encore Presentation”

  1. Dan Says:

    Your birthday is one off my own. Mine is better obviously.

  2. Robin Says:

    When you are done playing with Justin’s hair, send him my way. I would love to play with more than his hair. ;D

  3. bekah Says:

    Apparently a lot of shit has gone down on October 5.

  4. Pookie Says:

    I think it’s funny that the day after Guy Fawkes Day, Contrary’s birth date events include the execution of Guy Fawkes.

    Okay, so not “funny ha-ha”. But funny.

  5. mrschili Says:

    I did this meme a while back, too – maybe I’ll revisit, it as well.

    And bravo to Mom for creating the most destructive force on the planet!!

  6. Michelle Says:

    You weren’t kidding about the v.d. clinic thing, huh?! ;o)

  7. Organic Mama Says:

    So, let me get this straight; VD, hydrogen bombs, and Indian reservations? At the very least, you must have laughed your ass off at the confluence of all of that crazy goodness on your special day.

  8. Patsy(GrandmaPatsy) Says:

    On my birthday June 27..
    1. Hurrican Audrey hit lLouisiana & Texas
    2.First ATM was installed
    3.Mohammad Ali Retired
    4.Jack Lemmon died
    5.Born on my day were.. Suppernanny(Jo Frost), Capatin Kangaroo(Bob Keeshan) and Helen Keller
    And June 27 is National HIV Testing day

  9. Bob Agard Says:

    You are a great read!

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