Baaa, humbug

Via this, I’ve found another blog I love. It’s called Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. I’d actually read her some time ago, and loved her, but forgot to bookmark and then couldn’t find her again, because I’m a bit of a wanker, to be honest. So, anyway, I found her again and spent the whole of yesterday immersed in her writing and in her pictures.

She’s a ranch wife (who grew up in the burbs), a homeschooling mother and a hell of a photographer and photo-shopper.

She takes pictures of her hot cowboy husband, Marlboro Man and her gorgeous children and horses and cattle and calf nuts and flowers and basically whatever she can get to hold still long enough to shoot.

She also tells a hell of a story. She has a category called The Humiliation Chronicles and this story will make you blush hot with embarrassment right along with her.

She channels Scarlett O’Hara and Ethel Merman and isn’t afraid to let the internet hear her do it.

She’d make me feel all inferior and shit if she wasn’t so cool and nice.

So I’ve decided to be inspired by her. I’ve always wanted to be really good with a camera, but I’m not. I told Pookie that the next nice gift giving occasion with my name on it, I would like to get a nicer digital camera and photoshop software so I can start doing a little something for my soul.

I’m also going to try to post every day; with a picture from Yours Truly accompanying most of those posts. Hopefully we’ll see my writing and my picture taking improve, because as they both stand now, they couldn’t get much worse.

And now, for our picture of the day, I present…Herbie! He’s a Boer/Spanish cross goat baby (what do you call a goat baby? Goatlet? Goatee?) that we got today to help with the weed eating at the shop. He’s an 8 week old orphan who’s decided that Oliver (the standard poodle) is his favorite person. The plan is to spoil him rotten and so far, we’re doing the job up right. I know this, because he is asleep on the couch after a full evening of being petted and loved on.’s Herbie!


Isn’t he stinking cute? Literally, he’s kind of stinky and very cute.

Here’s another one taken with Lily, the Toodle (terrier poodle).
